Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Symbol Of Satan

The symbol or emblem occult (unseen) is a means of force used by followers of an evil cult to invoke the help of the forces of evil in the world of magic and devil worship. But their use can only be effective if in three dimensions.
Symbols used by people to attract the attention of dark forces. Most of us are not fully aware of the mysterious power of the symbols used. Sometimes we use it as a necklace encircling the neck, so the bracelet on the wrist, or put it in his room. Be careful! The symbols were in fact not a meaningless image. But there are evil forces behind it.
Beware, wherever there is the influence of the occult, these symbols must be used, particularly with regard to the forces of evil. The power of darkness is certainly familiar with these symbols with ease. So, if you are one of the owner of these symbols and use them, most likely will be easily influenced by Satan.
Certainly must have a lot of know whether it is number 666 .. little explanation of this figure.
Number 666 in Latin Idioms can be interpreted as DIC LVX = "dicit lux" - the sound of light. Understandably devil in Latin Idioms are often given the name as Lucifer (Lux Ferre) or sipembawa light. In terms of astrology, also known as Morning Star or Venus or the sixth largest planet in our solar system.
666 in number Romanic = DCLXVI or in other words meaning the number 666 they will have to represent all the numbers contained in Romanic numbers (D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1) .
All the bad and the evil is said to have relation with the number 666 as roulet, when all the numbers in the table will be summed roulet 666. Adultery is mortal sin and therefore the number 666 in the Greek word for presenting XES (sex reversed) or Χ Ξ Σ (Xi Chi Sigma) for the Greek word for the Hebrew alphabet and they were also identical with the numbers. So is the name of the Kaiser Nero in Hebrew Idioms can be written with the number 666 (Neron Kesar). Poison is poison of the deadly poison Hexachloride 666 = captured from the chemical formula C6H6Cl6.
This is why the number 666 is always identified with Satanism or anything that smells of devil worship.

At first glance this symbol similar to the cross in the Christian teachings. But no. This image has nothing to do with the cross. Ankh is a symbol of strength terdahsyat of the mystical world of black. When traced its history, ankh originated from ancient Egyptian mysticism. At that time ankh used in worship ceremonies RA, the ancient Egyptian sun god who is believed as another manifestation of the devil. Ra is also regarded as the creator of the universe and worshiped by ancient Egyptians. The circle above the head is a picture of the sun.
Ankh is a symbol of reincarnation. But the concept is different from the understanding of Buddhism and Hinduism. In the teachings of ancient Egypt, the ankh mean as the eternity of life. The main requirement for using this symbol, the people of ancient Egypt are required to present the sanctity of the virgin girl in a creepy ritual feast.

Symbol is often used by female magicians in conducting practice. Pentagram associated with Lucifer and female witches believe that Lucifer means "son of the morning. "
There is some truth in the description of the devil who is described as an 'angel lights' and is one of the most beautiful creatures ever created. Therefore, a sense of pride and arrogance has mastered himself Lucifer. Because of the nature also make it slumped into error. If the pentagram is played in reverse, so a kind of star shape that "horned". Or, if observed carefully. This star symbol in the rotation seemed to form the face of the devil. And so far pentagram used as a symbol that is used throughout the church of Satan in the world.

Called the Hexagram as star-shaped hexagon. Hexagram is often used in ritual ceremony in the mystical world of black magic. This symbol should be available whensummoned demon repeatedly during the ritual takes place. The word 'Hex'is derivedfrom this symbol.

There is an important note concerning the Hexagram who never used the famousmagician Cellini. In the past, he and his students, Cenci, trying to challenge the demonsfrom within a circle that has been depicted on the land at the Coliseum (coliseum), the Roman city.

Most of the demons are going to come when invited, but that the presence of thedestructive ritual. But Cellini sure, as long as he and his students are in the circle will besafe from vicious attacks. At that time Cenci claimed to have seen five major figure ofthe devil trying hard to penetrate the circle of Hexagram.

In Chinese spiritual, I Ching, Hexagam also used in combination with straight lines andbroken lines associated with the energy of "Yin" and "Yang". Hexagram, basically didnot show understanding that can make hair stand on end.

Figure of the god Horus is associated with the sun. He is the son of Isis and Osiris. Eye of Horus is a mystical symbol of dark forces which means'omniscient' and 'Seer'. He usually painted in hieroglips (ancient Egyptian text) on the walls Piramid.Osiris is the king at once judge's death. He is also a husband and brother of Isis. He is also a senior figure of supreme god in ancient Egyptian belief.
Usually, Osiris is often depicted as a male figure with a beard adorned his chin and wrapped like a mummy. On top of his head is perched a crown known as the 'Crown of Atef'. Even if he never died in battle, but then he could be revived by his son, Horus. Isis was the goddess of fertility and mother of Horus. Apart from Egypt, he was known also as one of the gods in the legends of Greek and Roman empires.

Completing the discussion of Horus's eyes, the crescent is used as a symbol of Isis. Another identity is Diana, the Queen of Heaven. Amazing but the books of ancient history from the descendants of Noah's grandson named Cush. He married an evil woman named Semiramis who later became the queen of Babylon.
In the mystical world of heresy, there are several forms of this evil woman, among them: Venus, Ashtoreth, Diana, Isis. Blonde devil is often associated with sexual problems are not uncommon. Under the stars and the moon, this ritual involves its followers to enjoy sex with each other in the name of Satan.

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